Right to Read campaign
How I became involved in adult literacy teaching.

Handsworth Alternative Scheme (HAS)
In 1979, I joined a new project called the Handsworth Alternative Scheme (HAS) which was set up to provide alternatives to custody for young Black offenders from the Handsworth area.

Research trip
I spent a month travelling in Jamaica accompanied by Derek Bishton, looking for materials I might use with my clients and visiting the Jamaican Adult Literacy project JAMAL.

Handprint begins
In January 1983 the Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Unit, ALBSU, based on the research materials, agreed to fund a two-year research and development period to produce a set of pilot publications. We called the project Handprint.

Evolution of Handprint
How Handprint evolved from a community project to a self-financing business.

School governor
My work as a school governor, including introducing a celebration for Martin Luther King Jnr’s birthday and organising a conference on Education and the Black Community

Research, freelance projects and teaching at City College

Handsworth Visionaries
As part of an art project at Soho House Museum, an online poll was conducted to select what were called Handsworth community visionaries and coins with their likeness on were cast. I was selected as one of the visionaries.

Books to Jamaica
During this period I organised for thousands of new and nearly new books donated by libraries, individuals and organisations to be delivered to rural schools in Jamaica that had no library resources.